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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Qur'an leaf in kufic script on vellum, 8th century

5 lines per page written in bold kufic script in brown ink on vellum, letter-pointing of black dots (added later), vocalisation of red dots (some possibly added later), single verse divisions marked with three short diagonal dashes in brown ink, ten verse divisions marked by relevant abjad letters in gold kufic within small illuminated panel, 20.2 by 30.3cm.Other leaves from this Qur'an include a recently published section in the al-Haram al-Sharif Islamic Museum, Jerusalem (Salameh 2001, pp.47-55, no.5), one leaf in the Nasser D. Khalili Collection, London (Déroche 1992, p.65, no.17).The abjad letters used here are the letter sad to mark the sixtieth verse and the letter `ayn to mark the seventieth verse. The letter sad is pertinent in that it was only used in the Western abjad system, thus indicating that this manuscript is most likely to have been a North African or Levantine production. Photography/ Text © Sotheby´sJOC provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes and makes no warranty with regard to their use for other purposes. The written permission of the copyright owners and/or holders of other rights (such as publicity and/or privacy rights) is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemption. JOC has made every reasonable effort to locate and acknowledge copyright owners and wishes to be informed by any copyright owners who are not properly identified and acknowledged on this website so that we may make any necessary corrections.

Qur'an leaf in kufic script on vellum, c.900 A.D

TEXT: SURA AL-`IMRAN (III), VV.72-74 Description: 5 lines per page written in bold, elegant kufic script on vellum, letter pointing of thin brown diagonal dashes, vocalisation of red, blue, green and yellow dots, single verse divisions marked with gold florets decorated with red dots, trimmed, some rodent activity affecting text area and edges, text on reverse worn. 22.4 by 26.2cm. Photography/ Text ©Sotheby´sJOC provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes and makes no warranty with regard to their use for other purposes. The written permission of the copyright owners and/or holders of other rights (such as publicity and/or privacy rights) is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemption. JOC has made every reasonable effort to locate and acknowledge copyright owners and wishes to be informed by any copyright owners who are not properly identified and acknowledged on this website so that we may make any necessary corrections.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Imperial Seal of Sultan III. Selim

Imperial Seal of Sultan Selim III [Tughra] panel, 42.50 x 57.00 cm, dated AH. 1258 (1842), signed Mehmed

Photography/ Text © Antik A.S.

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Ali Ulvi [ca. 1870]

Calligraphic Panel [Dervish Lodge Style], 35.00 x 24.00 cm, signed Ali Ulvi, undated, 19th century.

Photography/ Text © Antik A.S.

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Hasim Efendi [b.?-d.1845]

Zerendud panel, 42.00 x 96.00 cm, signed Haşim Efendi (?-1845), undated.

Photography/ Text © Antik A.S.

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Hafiz Osman [ca.1650]

Thuluth Nasih[ Kıt`a] panel, 57.00 x 43.00 cm, signed Hafız Osman (1642-1698)

Photography/ Text © Antik A.S.

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Dervis Ali [17th Century]

Enam-ı Şerif, 20x14 cm, dated AH 1080 (1669) signed Derviş Ali (?-1673)

Photography/ Text © Antik A.S.

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Mahmud Celaleddin [ca.1815]

Jali Thuluth Panel, 46.00 x 58.00 cm, undated, signed Mahmud Celaleddin [attributed]

Photography/ Text © Antik A.S.

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Hamid Aytac [1954]

Signed Hamid Aytaç, Jali Thuluth Panel, 54.00 x 50.00 cm, dated H. 1374 (1954)

Photography/ Text © Antik A.S.

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Abdulmecid bin Mahmud [( 31st Sultan of the Ottoman Empire) 1823-1861]

Thuluth Nasih panel, 27.00 x 34.00 cm, signed Abdülmecid Bin Mahmud (Sultan Abdü’l-Mecīd-i evvel) (1823-1861)

Photography/ Text © Antik A.S.

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Hafız Mehmed Fehmi Efendi [b.1860-d.1915]

Aşere-i Mucize, 56.00 x 41.00 cm, dated H. 1304 (1886), signed by Hafız Mehmed Fehmi Efendi (1860-1915)

Photography/ Text © Antik A.S.

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Kazasker Mustafa Izzet Efendi [1848]

Kazasker Mustafa İzzet, Hilye-i Şerife, 90.00 x 56.00 cm, dated H. 1265 (1848), signed by Calligrapher

Photography/ Text © Antik A.S.

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Sheikh Sirri [1866]

Calligraphic panel (Dervish Lodge Style), 74.00 x 70.00 cm, dated H. 1283 (1866), signed Sheikh Sırrı

Photography/ Text © Antik A.S.

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Sunday, July 06, 2008

Hulusi Efendi [ca.1923]

Calligraphic Panel, text in jali talik, 51.00 x 52.00 cm, dated 1923, signed by Hulusi Efendi

Photography/ Text © Antik A.S.

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Photography© Sotheby´s

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Esseyid Mehmed Ferid [(Nakshiband) 1878]

Icazet Hilye-i Şerife, 57.00 x 41.00 cm, dated H. 1296 (1878), signed, Esseyid Mehmet Ferit (Nakşibendi)

Photography/ Text © Antik A.S.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hafız Vahdeti [b.1832-d.1896]

Tuhgra panel signed Hafız Vahdeti (1832-1896), dated h.1278 (1861), dimension 68.00 x 90.00 cm.

Photography/ Text © Antik A.Ş

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Ferid [b.1858- d. ?]

Tuhgra panel signed Ferid (b.1858-d.?), dated h.1308 (1890), dimension 48.00 x 57.00 cm.

Photography/ Text © Antik A.Ş

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by MEHMET TEVFİK (b. ? – d.?) signed and dated, h.1328 (1910). Jali Thuluth style.

Photography/ Text © Portakal Sanat ve Kültür Evi, Istanbul, Turkey

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by MEHMET TEVFİK (b. ? – d.?) signed and dated, h.1328 (1910). Jali Thuluth style with ottoman rococo ornaments. It reads: “Ya Hazret-i Şeyh Sultan Seyyid Abdülkadir Geylani Kuddise Sırrıhü” Dimension 46 x 34 cm.

Photography/ Text © Portakal Sanat ve Kültür Evi, Istanbul, Turkey

JOC provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes and makes no warranty with regard to their use for other purposes. The written permission of the copyright owners and/or holders of other rights (such as publicity and/or privacy rights) is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemption. JOC has made every reasonable effort to locate and acknowledge copyright owners and wishes to be informed by any copyright owners who are not properly identified and acknowledged on this website so that we may make any necessary corrections.