(b. Taslihüyük/Sivas, Turkey 12.May 1959) Turkish calligrapher. He lives and works since 1969 in Germany. His line is a combination of classical- and experimental-modern style. Temiztürks works of art are contemporary, unique, spectacular and on unusual materials.Very new compositions are never seen before. As an peaceworker he describes himself as a mediator between the cultures and religions. Work for art and culture exchange, better understanding and living in peace together in our small transitory world. Hasan Temiztürk is one of the world most collected islamic calligraphic artists. In more than 100 Mosques in Germany his works are exhibited. His works can be found in many private collections like, Collection of Crown Prince of Dubai H.H. Shaikh Muhammed Rashed Al Maktoum, Finance Min. of UAE Dr. Muhammed Khalfan Bin Karbash, Shayka Hussah Al Sabah- Kuwait, HM.Sultan Bin Mohamed Al Qasimi, Sharja, HM. Haji Sultan Hasanal Bolkiah Brunei HM.Queen Elisabeth II, PM Tony Blair, London Mayor K. Livingstone, Ex. Turkish President Süleyman Demirel, Annemarie Schimmel, Dow Jones: Rushdi Siddique,Turkish National Library Ankara,Calligraphic Museum Istanbul.
Exhibitions and Workshops
1989 Nour Mosque, Karlsruhe, Germany
1990 Central Library Duisburg, Germany
1991 Barockhäuser, Würzburg, Germany
1992 Historic City Hall, Hanau, Germany
1993 Academie Plast Kunsten, Genk, Belgium
1994 Pfälz. State Library, Speyer, Germany
1995 Museum Verkehr-Technik, Berlin, Germany- Meeting of world calligraphers
1996 State Parliament Schleswig Holstein Kiel, Germany
1997 Klingspor Museum, Offenbach, Germany
Official invitation by President of Republic of Turkey Süleyman Demirel, Ankara, Turkey
1998 Official invit. German catholics church meeting as 1. muslim artist, Mainz, Germany
1999 Invitation to Heimatmuseum Berlin, Germany
2000 Invitation to Opendeuwekk Antwerp-Belgium
2000 City Library Worms, Germany
2001 „MS Marksburg“(Ship) Mannheim, Germany
2001 Official invitation German protestant church meeting as 1. muslim artist Frankfurt
2003 Forum Lohberg Dinslaken
2004 International Finance Forum Dubai- U.A.E
Gutenberg Museum, Mainz, Germany
University of Heilbronn, Germany
Lecture "Islamic Art History" and workshop"Arabic Calligraphy", Heilbronn, Germany
2006 State Parlament Rheinland. Pfz. Mainz, Germany
1.Islamic, Christian, Jewish and Budism Interfaith Exhibition.
2007 University of Frankfurt, Germany
Lecture "Islamic Art History" and workshop "Arabic Calligraphy" Frankfurt, Germany
Hasan Temiztürk
Hohestrasse 10
D-63069 Offenbach/M., Germany
Phone + 49-(0)176- 240 690 02
email: htemiztuerk@aol.com
Get direction: Location Map
Photography/ Text © by artist Hasan Temiztürk.
JOC provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes and makes no warranty with regard to their use for other purposes. The written permission of the copyright owners and/or holders of other rights (such as publicity and/or privacy rights) is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemption. JOC has made every reasonable effort to locate and acknowledge copyright owners and wishes to be informed by any copyright owners who are not properly identified and acknowledged on this website so that we may make any necessary corrections.
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Showing posts with label Biographies of Calligraphers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biographies of Calligraphers. Show all posts
Monday, May 07, 2007
Hafiz Osman (b Istanbul, 1642; d Istanbul, 1698)

D. James: Islamic Masterpieces of the Chester Beatty Library (London, 1981), no. 40
H. Lowry: ‘Calligraphy: Hüsn-i hat’, Tulips, Arabesques & Turbans: Decorative Arts from the Ottoman Empire, ed. Y. Petsopoulos (London, 1982), p. 173; no. 174
The Anatolian Civilisations III: Seljuk/Ottoman (exh. cat., 18th Council of Europe exh.; Istanbul, 1983), no. E.309
Photography/ Text © HAT SAN'ATI Tarihçe, Malzeme ve Örnekler, Istanbul. http://ismek.ibb.gov.tr/portal/yayinlarimiz.asp Text: www.groveart.com
JOC provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes and makes no warranty with regard to their use for other purposes. The written permission of the copyright owners and/or holders of other rights (such as publicity and/or privacy rights) is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemption. JOC has made every reasonable effort to locate and acknowledge copyright owners and wishes to be informed by any copyright owners who are not properly identified and acknowledged on this website so that we may make any necessary corrections.
Biographies of Calligraphers
Necmeddin Okyay Efendi [Efendi, Necmeddin; Üsküdari (b Istanbul, 29 Jan 1883; d Istanbul, 5 Jan 1976) ]

S. Rado, ed.: Türk hattatlari [Turkish calligraphers] (Istanbul, n.d.), p. 265 [Turk. text]
M. Ülker: The Art of Turkish Calligraphy from the Beginning up to Present (n.p., 1987), p. 89 [Eng. and Turk. texts]
Photography © Gallery of Portakal Sanat ve Kültür Evi, Istanbul. Text: Grove Art Online
JOC provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes and makes no warranty with regard to their use for other purposes. The written permission of the copyright owners and/or holders of other rights (such as publicity and/or privacy rights) is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemption. JOC has made every reasonable effort to locate and acknowledge copyright owners and wishes to be informed by any copyright owners who are not properly identified and acknowledged on this website so that we may make any necessary corrections.
Biographies of Calligraphers
Mehmed Şefik [Şefik Bey; (b Istanbul, 1819; d Istanbul, 1880) ]

K. Baykal: Bursa’da Ulu Câmi [The Ulu Cami of Bursa] (Istanbul, 1950)
A. S. Ünver: Hattat Şefik Bey (1819–1880): Hayatı ve eserleri [The calligrapher Şefik Bey (1819–1880): his life and works] (Istanbul, 1956)
Ş.Rado: Türk hattatları [Turkish calligraphers] (Istanbul, n.d.), pp. 220–21
Photography © Gallery of Portakal Sanat ve Kültür Evi, Istanbul. Text www.groveart.com
JOC provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes and makes no warranty with regard to their use for other purposes. The written permission of the copyright owners and/or holders of other rights (such as publicity and/or privacy rights) is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemption. JOC has made every reasonable effort to locate and acknowledge copyright owners and wishes to be informed by any copyright owners who are not properly identified and acknowledged on this website so that we may make any necessary corrections.
Biographies of Calligraphers
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Osman Özcay (b.1963)
Calligrapher Osman Özçay, younger brother of calligrapher Mehmed Özcay, was born in Çaykara, in the province of Trabzon in 1963. He attended the same school as his brother Mehmet in Gerede and finished high-school there. After studying at the Islamic Institute in Erzurum for two years, he transferred to the Islamic Studies Department of Marmara University in Istanbul. He graduated in 1986.
In 1982, even though he did not have a special interest in Islamic calligraphy, he joined his brother when he first visited calligrapher Fuat Başar. He was suddenly attracted to the art and he started lessons in the script Thuluth the same day. He later received his diploma in the scripts of thuluth and naskh from his teacher.
When he came to Istanbul, he met M.Uğur Derman from whom he has benefited greatly throughout the years. Mr. Derman gave him some copies of Sami Efendi`s Jali Thuluth writings which were written for a public water fountain behind `Yeni Cami` (New Mosque) in Istanbul. These sources served as the most important guide in learning the script of Jali Thuluth.
In the first (1986) and second (1989) international competitions organized by The Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA) which serves as the secretaryship of The Commission for the Preservation of Islamic Cultural Heritage associated with the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, he received five awards, gaining second and third prizes in various scripts including Jali Thuluth and Thuluth. He won the first prize at the calligraphy competition organized by the Maktab al-Shahid Kuwaiti institute in 1997.
Osman Özçay has participated in personal exhibitions with his brother Mehmet Özçay in Istanbul (1996), Abu Dhabi (1998), Sharjah (1999), and Dubai (2003). He has also taken part in the exhibitions organized by IRCICA in association with the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing in Dubai 2003, 2004 and 2005. In 2003, he participated in the calligraphy exhibition in Tokyo and joined some other calligraphers on The Days of Arabic Calligraphy in Tunisia in 1997 and 2006. He has also participated in various exhibitions in Turkey and abroad.
Osman Özçay is producing works in the styles of thuluth, jali thuluth, naskh and muhaqqaq according to the classical approach. Throughout the years his pieces of calligraphy have entered museums and special collections.
Text/Photograph © http://www.ozcay.com/
JOC provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes and makes no warranty with regard to their use for other purposes.The written permission of the copyright owners and/or holders of other rights (such as publicity and/or privacy rights) is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemption.
In 1982, even though he did not have a special interest in Islamic calligraphy, he joined his brother when he first visited calligrapher Fuat Başar. He was suddenly attracted to the art and he started lessons in the script Thuluth the same day. He later received his diploma in the scripts of thuluth and naskh from his teacher.
When he came to Istanbul, he met M.Uğur Derman from whom he has benefited greatly throughout the years. Mr. Derman gave him some copies of Sami Efendi`s Jali Thuluth writings which were written for a public water fountain behind `Yeni Cami` (New Mosque) in Istanbul. These sources served as the most important guide in learning the script of Jali Thuluth.
In the first (1986) and second (1989) international competitions organized by The Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA) which serves as the secretaryship of The Commission for the Preservation of Islamic Cultural Heritage associated with the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, he received five awards, gaining second and third prizes in various scripts including Jali Thuluth and Thuluth. He won the first prize at the calligraphy competition organized by the Maktab al-Shahid Kuwaiti institute in 1997.
Osman Özçay has participated in personal exhibitions with his brother Mehmet Özçay in Istanbul (1996), Abu Dhabi (1998), Sharjah (1999), and Dubai (2003). He has also taken part in the exhibitions organized by IRCICA in association with the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing in Dubai 2003, 2004 and 2005. In 2003, he participated in the calligraphy exhibition in Tokyo and joined some other calligraphers on The Days of Arabic Calligraphy in Tunisia in 1997 and 2006. He has also participated in various exhibitions in Turkey and abroad.
Osman Özçay is producing works in the styles of thuluth, jali thuluth, naskh and muhaqqaq according to the classical approach. Throughout the years his pieces of calligraphy have entered museums and special collections.
Text/Photograph © http://www.ozcay.com/
JOC provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes and makes no warranty with regard to their use for other purposes.The written permission of the copyright owners and/or holders of other rights (such as publicity and/or privacy rights) is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemption.
Biographies of Calligraphers
Mehmed Özcay (b. 1961)
Mehmed Özçay was born in 1961 in the Çaykara district of the province of Trabzon, in Turkey. He completed his elementary and secondary education in Gerede, subsequently graduating from the School of Theology of Atatürk University, Erzurum, in 1986. He studied naskh and thulth scripts with the calligrapher Fuat Başar, whom he met there in 1982. In 1986, he moved to İstanbul where he met M. Uğur Derman, who became his guide in calligraphy; this gave him the opportunity to broaden his horizons and deepen his appreciation for, and knowledge of, this art.
In 1986 and 1989, Özçay participated in the first two international calligraphy competitions organized by the Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA), winning six prizes in various categories, most notably First Prize in thulth-naskh scripts. He began to copy the Holy Qur’an in 1986; completed in 1991 and first published in 1992, that work has played a key role in the development of his mastery of naskh script, and more generally in the establishment of his career as a professional calligrapher. Fine art reproductions of his copy of the Surat Ya-Sin, as well many of his panels, have also been published.
Özçay participated in many exhibitions, both in Turkey and internationally—including the Kazema Festival for Islamic Heritage (Kuwait, 1996), the Islamic World Calligraphy Festival (Tehran, 1997), Seven Ottoman Arts that have Lived Beyond 700 Years (İstanbul, 1999), the Riyadh Calligraphy Exhibition (1999), the Holy Qur’an Exhibition (Tehran, 2000), the National Calligraphy Festival (Tunis, 2001), the Tokyo Calligraphy Exhibition (2003), Salam & Calligraphy (Doha, 2003), the Sharjah International Biennal for Arabic Calligraphy (2004), the Dubai International Calligraphy Exhibitions (2004, 2005, 2006), and the Tunis Arabic Calligraphy Days (1999, 2006).
Mehmed Özçay’s first individual show was held in conjunction with his brother Osman Özçay and his sister Fatma Özçay in May 1996 at the Yıldız Palace, İstanbul. He subsequently partook in the “Özçay” exhibitions at the National Culture Foundation (İstanbul, 1998), in Doha (November 1998), Abu Dhabi (December 1998), Sharjah (1999), and Dubai (2003). He has also served as a member of the jury in a number of international calligraphy competitions.
More than 300 of Mehmed Özçay’s calligraphic panels in jali thulth, thulth, naskh, ijazah, and jali diwani scripts are currently in various collections both in Turkey and abroad.
Text/Photograph © Mehmed Özcay. http://www.ozcay.com/
JOC provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes and makes no warranty with regard to their use for other purposes.The written permission of the copyright owners and/or holders of other rights (such as publicity and/or privacy rights) is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemption.
In 1986 and 1989, Özçay participated in the first two international calligraphy competitions organized by the Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA), winning six prizes in various categories, most notably First Prize in thulth-naskh scripts. He began to copy the Holy Qur’an in 1986; completed in 1991 and first published in 1992, that work has played a key role in the development of his mastery of naskh script, and more generally in the establishment of his career as a professional calligrapher. Fine art reproductions of his copy of the Surat Ya-Sin, as well many of his panels, have also been published.
Özçay participated in many exhibitions, both in Turkey and internationally—including the Kazema Festival for Islamic Heritage (Kuwait, 1996), the Islamic World Calligraphy Festival (Tehran, 1997), Seven Ottoman Arts that have Lived Beyond 700 Years (İstanbul, 1999), the Riyadh Calligraphy Exhibition (1999), the Holy Qur’an Exhibition (Tehran, 2000), the National Calligraphy Festival (Tunis, 2001), the Tokyo Calligraphy Exhibition (2003), Salam & Calligraphy (Doha, 2003), the Sharjah International Biennal for Arabic Calligraphy (2004), the Dubai International Calligraphy Exhibitions (2004, 2005, 2006), and the Tunis Arabic Calligraphy Days (1999, 2006).
Mehmed Özçay’s first individual show was held in conjunction with his brother Osman Özçay and his sister Fatma Özçay in May 1996 at the Yıldız Palace, İstanbul. He subsequently partook in the “Özçay” exhibitions at the National Culture Foundation (İstanbul, 1998), in Doha (November 1998), Abu Dhabi (December 1998), Sharjah (1999), and Dubai (2003). He has also served as a member of the jury in a number of international calligraphy competitions.
More than 300 of Mehmed Özçay’s calligraphic panels in jali thulth, thulth, naskh, ijazah, and jali diwani scripts are currently in various collections both in Turkey and abroad.
Text/Photograph © Mehmed Özcay. http://www.ozcay.com/
JOC provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes and makes no warranty with regard to their use for other purposes.The written permission of the copyright owners and/or holders of other rights (such as publicity and/or privacy rights) is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemption.
Biographies of Calligraphers
Hamid Aytac [Azmi, Musa; al-Amidi, Hamid] (1891-1982)

Text/Photograph © Macmillan Publishers Limited, publishers of The Grove Dictionary of Art.
JOC provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes and makes no warranty with regard to their use for other purposes.The written permission of the copyright owners and/or holders of other rights (such as publicity and/or privacy rights) is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemption.
Biographies of Calligraphers
Friday, April 13, 2007
Sami Efendi [b.1838-d.1912]

Ş. Rado: Türk hattatları [Turkish calligraphers] (Istanbul, n.d.), pp. 239–41
U. Derman: Hattat Sami Efendi (1838–1912): Hayatı ve eserleri [The calligrapher Sami Efendi (1838–1912): his life and works] (Istanbul, 1962) By Sami Efendi, dated and signed zerendud sülüs script panel.
Photograph ©HAT SAN'ATI Tarihçe, Malzeme ve Örnekler, Istanbul. http://ismek.ibb.gov.tr/portal/yayinlarimiz.asp Text: http://www.groveart.com.ubproxy.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/
Ayten Tiryaki (b. 1961)

Namık Kemal Mahallesi Yunus Emre Caddesi Kocatepe Sokak
Doğu Apartmanı No:6/9
Ümraniye/ İstanbul
Tel :+90 (216) 329 52 29
Fax :+90 (216) 329 52 30
GSM :+90 (542) 322 39 48
E-Mail : ayten@tiryakiart.com
Photograph ©http://www.tiryakiart.com/tr_index.asp
Selim Türkoglu (b.1960)

Divanyolu caddesi Ticarethane sk. 14/4 Cağaloğlu,Istanbul, Tel + 90 21 514 61 25
Text/Photograph ©http://www.hattatselim.com/index.htm
Thursday, April 12, 2007
İlhan Özkececi (b. 1955)

BA/ Master: Istanbul Academy of Fine Arts, Department of Decorative Arts (1973-1980)
Phil. Doctorate (Qualification in Art): Mimar Sinan University, Fine Arts Faculty,
Traditional Turkish Handicrafts Illumination-Decoration Department (1991)
Studying riq`a script with calligrapher Kemal Batanay, and illumination with Rikkat
Kunt, Muhsin Demironat and Tahsin Aykutalp in 1974 - 1980
Studying calligraphy with Hasan Çelebi (1975-1996), and receiving a calligraphy certificate in the style of thuluth and naskh (1997),
Professional Experience:
Instructor in Erciyes University, Department of Fine Arts (1983 - 1995)
Ass. Assoc. Prof. in Süleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Traditional Turkish Handicrafts. Continuing his work as the president of the department. (1995-2005)
Ass. Prof. (1996)
Prof. (2003)
Fatih University (2006)
1993 - Turkish Illumination Art and Ornamental Motifs - Minbar - Minarets in Kayseri Mosques
1997 - Historical Kayseri Mosques
2004 - Turkish Art in IX. Century
2006 - Islamic Art from VII. to XII. Centuries
İlhan Özkeçeci
P.K. 38 Fatih 34080 İstanbul
Mobile : +90 532-711 5488

Text/Photograph© İlhan Özkeçeci
Güvenc Güven (b.1958)

2006 The First International Crafts Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
2006 Ayasofya Museum
2005 Vakıfbank General Management Art Gallery, Istanbul
2004 Milli Piyango Art Gallery, Ankara
2004 Eminönü Municipality Cultur Center
2004 Eyüp Symposium
2003 Mevlana Museum, Konya
2003 Tekel Art Gallery
2002 International Islamic Art Exhibition, Iran, Isfahan
1998 Pencil on Wood and 16th century İznik Tile Exhibition
1990 Antique and Art Fair, Swiss Otel
1990 Press Museum Art Gallery
1988 Beyoğlu Municipality Art Gallery
1991 Konya Dostlar Group Exhibition
1989 YKB Beyoglu Gallery, Istanbul
Güvenç Güven
Defterdar Cad. No:10 Kat:2 Eyüp, İstanbul
Phone : +90 212-612 1615 - Mobile : +90 532-503 4707
Text/Photograph© Güvenc Güven and www.lebriz.com
Davut Bektas (b.1963)
1984 Exhibition of Calligraphy and Illumination by Contemporary Artists, IRCICA, Istanbul
1989 Birlik Foundation, Istanbul
1989 Bize Art Gallery , Istanbul
1990 Yıldız Palace Art Gallery , Istanbul
1994 MÜSİAD Swiss Otel, Istanbul
1994 Elif Exhibition Gallery, Istanbul
1996 International MÜSİAD Fair, World Trade Centre, Istanbul
1998 International MÜSİAD Fair, TUYAP, Istanbul
2001 International Quran Exhibition, Tahran
2003 Turkish traditional handicrafts exhibition, Fatih University , Istanbul
2003 Calligraphy exhibition, Taksim Art Gallery, Istanbul
2003 The 4th International, Cultural and Artistic Festival, Büyükçekmece municipality, Istanbul
2004 Dubai International Exhibition of the Art of Islamic Calligraphy, Shaikh Saeed House, Dubai
2004 From Past to Future, Bridges Established by Reed and Paintbrush, Cairo , Egypt
2004 Selected Works by Hattat Hasan Çelebi and his students, Maksut Varol Art Gallery , Istanbul .
2004 Dubai International Exhibition of the Art of Arabic
Calligraphy Al-Owais Cultural Foundation, Dubai .
2005 The Music of Letters , Kuwait Arts Association, Kuwait (personal exhibition by Davut Bektas)
2005 Turkish Traditional Arts Exhibition, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Art Gallery, Istanbul .
2006 2nd International Biennial for the Art of Arabic calligraphy, Sharjah.
2006 Days of Arabic Calligraphy , Tunisia .
2006 Turkish Traditional Arts Spring Exhibition, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Art Gallery , Istanbul
In the International Islamic calligraphy competitions organized by IRCICA, Mr. Bektaş received the first prize in Jali Thuluth and honourable mention award in the style of direct imitation in 1986. He was awarded the first prize in Jali Thuluth in 1989 and the first prize in Thuluth in 1993. In 1997 he received the first prize in the Islamic Festival organized in Tahran. In 2006, he won an award at the 2nd International Biennial for the Art of Arabic calligraphy in Sharjah.
In 1988, he received the first prize in the Islamic calligraphy competition organized as part of the Gülhane Festival in Istanbul. In 1991 and 1992, he participated in two competitions organized in Urfa and received the first prizes at both organizations.
Gallery Contact:
Konak Mimarlık ve Sanat Hizmetleri
San. Tic. Ltd. Şti
Halıcılar Cad. Kocaoğlu Apt. 38 / 1
Fatih İstanbul
Tel : + 90 212 532 30 39
Faks: + 90 212 532 25 16
Text/Photograph ©http://www.konakmimarlik.com/konaksanat.com/default.asp
Ismail Zühdi Efendi II. (d.1805)

Photograph ©HAT SAN'ATI Tarihçe, Malzeme ve Örnekler, Istanbul. http://ismek.ibb.gov.tr/portal/yayinlarimiz.asp
Sultan Abdülmecid Efendi II. (b. 29. May 1868 in İstanbul; d. 23. August 1944 in Paris)

Biography: Abdülmecid II; in Arabic عبد المجيد الثانى ) (lived May 29, 1868 – August 23, 1944; reigned November 19, 1922 – March 3, 1924) was the last Caliph of the Ottoman Dynasty, the 101st Caliph in line from Caliph Abu Bakr and nominally the 37th Head of the Ottoman Imperial House.
On May 29, 1868 he was born at Dolmabahçe Palace of Istanbul (formerly Constantinople) to then Sultan Abdülaziz. He was educated privately. On July 4, 1918 his first cousin Mehmed VI became Sultan and Abdul Mejid was named Crown Prince. Following the deposition of his cousin on November 1, 1922 the Sultanate was abolished. But on November 19, 1922 the Crown Prince was elected Caliph by the Turkish National Assembly at Ankara. He established himself in Istanbul, on November 24, 1922. On March 3, 1924 he was deposed and expelled from the shores of Turkey with the rest of his family. He was given the title of General of Ottoman Army and served as Chairman of the Ottoman Artist's Society. A painter and a calligrapher himself, his paintings of the Harem, showing a modern musical gathering, and of a woman reading Goethe's Faust were displayed at an exhibition of Ottoman paintings in Vienna in 1918. His personal self-portrait can be seen at Istanbul Modern. On August 23, 1944 Abdulmecid Efendi II died at his house in the Boulevard Suchet, Paris XVIe, France. He was buried at Haram-i-Sharif, Medina, Saudi Arabia.
Photograph ©HAT SAN'ATI Tarihçe, Malzeme ve Örnekler, Istanbul. http://ismek.ibb.gov.tr/portal/yayinlarimiz.asp
Friday, April 06, 2007
Ahmet Demir (b 6 November 1964)

Work in celi sülüs script. Transcription: Subhana'Allah.
Photograph © http://www.hattatahmetdemir.com/
Mehmed Nazif Bey (1846 -1913)
Mehmed Nazif was from Rusçuk (Romania). He studied by Burdurlu Hafiz Vahdeti in Istanbul calligraphy. His second master was Sami Efendi. He worked as a official at the Military Maps Department in Istanbul. He also was teaching calligrapy at schools in Istanbul. Died in 1913 in Istanbul.
Biographies of Calligraphers
Monday, March 26, 2007
Mustafa Râkim and Features of Spectacular Writing Style with Celî Sülüs School
Spectavular writing style having meaning of "obvious, big, large " in dictionary is a name given to Large from of writing style in calligraphy art written by a thicken pencil than calligraphic model writing pencil. For example,sülüs writing is normally written by 2,5 mm pencil, when this subgect measure is exceeded then, writing becomes celî.And when pencil thickness reaches to three times, now writing to becomes spectacular, large writing style . Writing written by measure between Large Letters and spectacular writing is given name of Arabic script style . In addition spectacular, obvious word expresses character not a style of writing.1
Although there is no difference between structures of. Large Letters and spectacular writing style Letters have more mature structure. Since Letters become largger, then structures and details become very well distinct and mature. By referring to this point, great calligrapher of spectacular writing style , Sâmi Efendi (1838- 1912) said that "As lang . as spectacular writing is not written then, secrets of calligraphy can not be" understood. 2 Thinness- thickness in spectacular writing style with Large Letters as well as distance space between Letters are adjusted in accordance with distance and location. For this reason, spectacular writing style with Large Letters requires great skill and ability.3
Birth and Development of Spectacular writing style with Celî Sülüs
During first years of Islam religion two different writing styles with corners with which Quran,epitaph and important documents had been written and written and writing style with round (circular, spherical) character where soft and curved lines dominate used in daily affairs and works.4
Form of writing with round character written by thick pencil (pen) in which writing had found essential development path is known by name of spectacular writing style by pencil. In actual fact ,this name had been given to writing style written by thick pencil in both characters during that period5. Name of great, illustrious has been converted into name of large in the Ottoman Calligraphy Art- School, however, there is no relationship between spectacular, illustrious writing at the beginning . And the Ottoman Spectacular writing style with Large Letters.6
In writing with soft and round character in which Calligraphy art has shown real development, the most distinct and obvious development had ocurred during Omayyad (661-750) period. 7 Kutbetül- Muharrir who had lived during end of Omayyads and first years of Abbasids, had invented "turmar" writing style with Large Letters of which pencil tip width is not known in specific.
İbn Mukle who lived during first period of Abbasids (750-1258) and was minister (vizier) and at the same time. Calligrapher, had bound letter time. To certain specific measures. 9 İbnü´l- Bevvab( d. 413/1022), who came one century after İbn Mukle and representing second stage of his school , had improved writing of İbn Mukle and made it more beautiful and attractive . 10 Although we do not have any specimen of spectacular writing style with Large Letters of İbnü- l- Bevvab, Ebu-l- Mecd Cemaleddin Yakut b. Abdullah el- Musta´simi (d . 698/1298). Had studied and exmined writings of İbn Mukle and İbnü-l- Bevvab for long time and made writing to have gained a new attitude. The greatest renovation made by Yakut was cutting pencil tip in curved manner which had been cut in flat manner till that time . 11
Writing style with Large Letters was in a simple form both in Letter structure and arrangement of Letters of including Seljuks before the Ottomans . Writing style with Large Letters of Seljuks had continued its influence and effect till Mehmet II, the conqueror period in Ottomans, and effect related to arrangement of Letters (pilling of Letters) had continued till XIII rd century but , there were some improvements from time to time.12 Attempt was made in spectacular writing style with Large Letters to catch success as in aklam-l Sitte,and although Letters were simple at the beginning as com[aring with Letters of XIX.Century ,it is immediately noted that a search has been made for beauty comparing with Seljuks Letters of writing style with Large Letters.
First important and fine specimens of the Ottoman spectacular writing style with Large Letters are seen during period of Mehamet II, the conqueror. Yahya Sufi and his son, Ali b. Yahya Sufi are famous Calligraphers in spectacular writing style with Large Letters during period elapsed till Râklm period Fatih mosque and Imperial gate of Topkep] palace inscriptions on left door seating written by Ali Sufi 15 , are without doubt, are seen to the most beautiful specimens of spectacular writing style with Large Letters till Râklm period. 16 A perfect level had been achieved to have been caught as letter structure in these inscriptions, besides Large letter inscriptions and naskhi writing style works, Sheik Hamdullah being foundan of the Ottoman School in calligraphy, Beyazid Mosques by writing style with Large Letters (celi sülüs).17 Can be considered as specimens of development period of the Ottoman spectacular writing style with Large Letters. However, these spectacular writing style with Large Letters of Sheik, had remained very simple as per concept of spectacula writing style with Large Letters of subsequent periods . 18 Ahmed Karahisari being representative of Yâkut School after Sheik in the Ottoman Calligraphy School had been more successful than Sheik in spectacular writing style with Large Letters and had been able to insert Letters into sentence in fine manner. 19 Although there existed no sharpness and easiness gained by writing style with Large Letters later on in Letters of Karahisarl, but esthetics proportion had been substantially attained.
Influence of Seljuks spectecular writing style with Large Letters can be seen as arrangement of Letters in writing style of Hasan Celebi who has been accepted as the most strong and influencial representative of Ahmet Karahisari School and who had written inscriptions on sülymaniye Mosque (excluding dome) and Edirne Selimiye Mosque by other Spectacular Character as Style,with Large Letters . 20 Although Letters bear Ottoman Character as Style, but arrangement of letter had been influenced by Seljuks writing style,. Vertical Letters had been put side by side . Although there existed sharpness and improvement in Letters comparing with previous specimens, but simple form and bluntness in Letters still continue.
On the other hand, Hâfiz Osman who had became a sample of RÂKIN who will make great changes in Spectacular writing style with Large Letters. When writing style of Hâfiz Osman has been examined and Studied , it is seen that besides simple form of Letters , in arrangement of letter. Letters had been piled up on certain places .
Great success had been gained in Ottoman writing style pertaining to our examined periods in spectacular writing style with. Large Letters and very beautiful and successful works had been produced. During this period no particuar marks had been used or had been used in small amount. Besides Letters, structure was very simple and in appropriate manner.
His Life

When spectacular writing style with Large Letters , have been studied and examined from viewpoing of Letters and arrangement of Letters from the beginning especially of Seljuk, principalities , Ottoman periods , besides bluntness and simplicity of Letters, it is immediately noted , that pencil did not have any writing features. Writing style had continued with these features during the Ottoman period . In spite of the fact there existed corrections in Letters to be considered important comparing wish preveious peroprtion of Letters (measure, proportion) had not been caught till Râim. Proportion of Letters beauty of arrangement of Letters, fineness of pencil movements can be clearly seen in works of Râkim belonging to especially to his maturity period. This situation which could not be seen during previous periods is the greatest feacture brought by RÂKIM to writing style with Large Letters.
We can gather changes made by Mustafa Râkim23 in spectacular writing style with Large Letters under the following headings:
1- He had improved structure of Letters.
2- He had caught ideal measure between letter thickness and pencil thickness.
3- He had achieved extraordinary success in arrangement of Letters.
Calligraphers could not achieved proper proportion as structure in writing style with Large Letters till period of Mustafa Râkim. Even Standard could not be obtained in writing of same letter. And writing could only written as thick. 31Spectacular writing style with Large Letters could not be dealt by itself till period of Mehmet II, the conqueror because it had been seen as decoration element in architecture as well. For this reason, success could not be achieved in degree of aklam –l- sitte (the six styles of writing ) in writing style with Large Letters both from viewpoints of Letter structur and arrangement of Letters.
Râfiz Osman from viewpoing of beauty of Letters.24 The following expression of the Calligrapher Sâkim in spectacular writing style with Large Letters is in nature to veritfy that judgement. "If you could enLarge Letters of Hâfiz Osman you could find spectacular writing style with Large Letters of Râkim in smaller letters, then you could find writing style of Hâfiz Osman.
By improving structure of Letters, Râkim had achieved to have caught harmony between letter thickness and pencil thickness. Râkim had applied writing style with Large Letters with success by enlargement of letters of Hâfiz Osman. 25 Mustafa Râkim had studied and examined very carefully writing style of Hâfiz Osman and had applied structure and standing beauties of Letters of that master to spectacular writing style with large letters. He had achieved domination of pencil in writing style and so the most beautiful, ideal measures of letters had been attained . For this reason, letters of spectacular writing style with Large Letters of RÂKIM have lively, active , vigorous structure as in cases of writing styles of sheik and especially Hâfiz Osman.26
Inscription of Nakşidil Tomb dated 1234/1819 being works of maturity period of Râkim especially verse written by Large Letter writing style on Nakşidil public Fountain is an evidence about how letters had become softer in his hands.
When spectacular writing style with Large Letters belonging to previous centuries is compared with letters, word groups and arrangements of RÂKIM, then , liveliness, greatness, grandeur, beauty of arrangement of letters can be better seen and observed , Râkim had created proper proportion and vigor, liveliness in letters in spectacular writing style with Large Letters which ware blunt and in appropriate proportion before him and arrangement of letters had been saved from this organization and dispersion. Another feature of letters of RÂKIM is that they are in thickness which can be seen easily from far distance letters hod gained beauty, fineness measure as per place to be written or to be hung. 27
Râkim had improved structures of lathers first of in all in writing style with Large Letters and found out harmony between letter thickness and pencil thickness . It is possible to see and observe right , beauty and inveliness ,vigor of pencil movenents in letters of Râkim writing style.
Râkim had used in the most beautiful manner letters inside arrangement of letters and distributed letters in balanced form being suitable for display.
Râkim who had constituted school by reform conducted by him in spectacular writing style with Large Letters and put forth his behavior and attitude in spectacular writing style with Large Letters after 1221/1806 which is year of death of his older brother. After subject date, Râkim´s spectacular writing style with Large Letters had entered into a fast improvement path years of 1230/1815-1234/1819 are maturity period of Râkim and he had given his most beautiful work between these dates. The data of 1234 / 1819 is the data when letter and arrangement perfectness was at peak level. Fatih Nakşidil tomb inscriptions, Eyüp, Çelebi Mustafa Reşid Efendi cemetery store inscriptions written by him during this period are the most important works of his maturity period.
Are Life of Râkim can be divided into three sections in general, namely, beginning years till 1221/1806, improvement and development period between 1221/1806-1230/1815 and maturity period after 1230/1815. As you would appreciate that this classification has been made for the purpose of forming an idea in general as a result of classification of Râkim´s works. Certainly, these dates are related to previous periods and post- periods. 28
Firsty Râkim used to write writing style with Large Letters by making squares method, but he had written directly by cane pencil and watery black ink his Nakşidil tomp band inscription with 3 cm pencil tip thickness during his last period through his gained faculty and skill. It is possible to see this at present time. In writing molds maintained in Istanbul Turkish- Islamic Works Museum .
Arrangement of letters by Râkim is in front line by structure and standing positions of letter.29 In addition there was no certain method applied at the beginning of his art life esthetic improvement of early writing style of Râkim could not be adapted to improvement of early writing style of Râkim could not be adapted to improvement made in spectacular writing style with large letters. After 1230/1815, now , letters in writing style of Râkim started to show themselves nearby their respective structures, but Râkim had observed and complied with usage of letters in their proper arrangement and places.
When evaluation is made of Râkim Efendi had achieved aspect which could in doing so. Mustafa Râkim Efendi had achieved aspect which could not be realized in spectacular writing style with Large Letters till XIX.
The century , especially, he had applied liveliness of writing style of Hâfiz Osman to spectacular writing style with large letters. Also , he was poineer of the ottoman calligraphers in arrangement of letters. He had eliminated line and form deformation in imperial ciphers of the sultans and so created esthetics. Râkim having "Art School" in spectacular writing style with large letters, had been accepted and recognized as only Master by artisans who had followed him.
1M.Uğur DERMAN "Calligraphy" The Turkish Encyclopedia (TE), volume XIX , İstanbul, Ministry of National Education , 1971, p. 52; DERMAN, "Spectacular , Writing Style with Large Letters" İlgi , number 29 (May 1980), Year 1 p. 30 : Ali ALPARSLAN, "Islamic Writing Styles: 3 Spectacular writing style with Large Letters" Our Art World Number 33 (1985) , p. 27: M. Uğur DERMAN, "The Ottoman period in Calligraphy Art"Calligraphy Art in Islamic Culture Heritage (CAICH),Istanbul, Islam History , Art and Culture Research Center (IRCICA), 1992, page 35; Ali ALPARSLAN "Spectacular Writing Style" Religiosity Foundation Islam Encyclopedia of Turkey (DIA), Istanbul Religiosity Foundation of Turkey 1993 , Volume VII, p.265; Muhittin SERİN. Calligraphy Art and Famous Calligraphers (Calligraphy Art), Istanbul, kubbealti Publication, 1999 , p. 89; Ali ALPARSLAN, The Ottoman Calligraphy Art History, Istanbul Yapi kredi Publications, 1999, p. 105.
2DERMAN, TE,p .58 ,ALPARSLAN, The Ottoman Calligraphy Art History, p. 105-106.
3DERMAN,İlgi, p.30; M.Uğur DERMAN "Epitaph of Yeni Cami Public Fountain "Lâle,number 4(December 1986) p.17;ALPARSLAN,"Spectacular writing style with Large Letters"DİA,v.VII, P. 265.
4ÇETİN, Nihad M.- "Birth and Development of Islamic Calligraphy Art (Till the end of Yakut period)". Calligraphy Art in Islamic Culture Heritage (CAICH). Istandbul, IRCICA, 1992 ,p. 17
5Çetin, CAICH, p. 31
6Ali ALPARSLAN, "Importance of Architectural Buildings from viewpoint of Calligraphy Art " Boğaziçi (Bosphorus ) University (Humanities and Social Sciences) Magazine . Number 4-5, 1976-1977 p.3; Çetin,CAICH, p.30.
7Çentin, CAICH, p.20-21
8pencip tip width of tumar writing style is 24 horse tail in comparison with spectacular writing style with Large Letters of which pencil tip width is not specific (of common work horse). And this is equal approximately to 15 mm in measurements of present time ad minimum measure in spectacular writing style with Large Letters is this one. Writing style in one- third measure of that measure is named as "writing style of Arbic script with medium- Large Letters (see, El-Kalkasandi) Ahmed b.Ali). Subhu´l- A´şa, III, Beirut, 1987 , p. 54-61, ÇETİN, CAICH, p.22-23; A;PARSLAN, Islamic History ,p. 450-460 ; M Uğur DERMAN, "Development of Spectacular writing style with Large Letters from the Seljuks to the Ottomans" , IV.National Seljuk Culture and Civilization Seminar Circulars,25-26 April-1994 (A Separate publication). Konya Seljuk University, Seljuk Research Center ,1995 , p.9; ALRARSLAN, The Ottoman Calligraphy Art History , p. 105.
9Adolf GROHMANN, Arabische paleography (I teil), Wien ,1967, Islam el-said and Ayşe parman,Geometric Concepts in Islamic Art, London, World of Islam Festival Publishing Company Ltd 1976,p. 16;Islam el-said and Ayşe parman, Geometric Concepts in Islamic Art,Londo , World of Islan Festival Publishing Company Ltd 1976,p. 131; Ali ALPARSLAN "Servuce of İbn Mukle to Islamic Inscription ", Paleography and Diplomatic Seminer Throughout Tistors,30- April 12- May –1986 Circulars, Istanbul, Istanbul University . Faculty of Art , 1986,p.11; ÇETİN, CAICH, p.24; ALPARSL, Islamic History,p. 463; Abdülkerim ÖZAYKIN, "İbn Mukle", DIA, v. xx, p. 212;M.Uğur DERMAN "Calligraphy Art in the Ottoman Turks" The Ottoman Encyclopedia, Volume XI , Ankara Yeni Turkiye Publications, 1999 , p. 19; Muhittin SERİN, "The Ottoman, p. 27.
10 Mustakimzade Süleyman Sa´deddin. Tuhfe-i Hattatin, Istanbul , Turkish History Council Works , 1928 , p. 331-332; Habib . Calligraphy and Calligrapers, Istanbul, 1305 p. 44 ( There exists "kaside-i raiyye İbn Bevvab maa Şerh "poem written by İbn Bevvab between pages 45-48 about calligraphy and pencil (pen) ; A. Süheyl ÜNBER, life of Calligrapher Ali BİN HİLAL, Istanbul, Yeni Laboratuvar publications, 1958, p. 5; Muhitti SERİN "İbnü´- Bevvab"DIA ,v. XX , p. 534-535.
11Nefeszde, p. 41-43; Suyolcuzade , p. 8; Mustakimzade, p. 575-576; Habib p. 51-54; Selahaddin el-MÜNECCİD, Uakut el-Mustta´simi, Beirut, Daru´l- Kutubi´l- Cedid ,1985, p. 17; Nihad M. ÇETİN, " Yakut Musta´simi" Islamic Eccyclopedia (İA) volume XIII , Istanbul , The Ministry of National Education , 1986, p. 352-357; ÇETİN, CAICH, p. 27; ALPARSLAN, Islamic History, p. 464.
12 Ali ALPARSLAN , "Islamic Writing Styles: 3 Celî Sülüs " Our Art World , number 33, 1985 , p. 29; ALPARSLAN , The Ottoman Calligraphy Art History , p. 107.
13 Ekrem Hakki AYBERDİ. Calligraphers of Mehmet II, the canqueror period . Istanbul , Istanbul Istanbul Conquest Association 1953 , p. 19; ERBAS, Aynur. Inscriptions and Spectacular Writing style with Large Letters of Istanbul Mosques reached from Mehmet II the Conqueror and II nb Bayazid period till our present time. Istanbul , Marmara University Social Sciences Institution, Unpublished Master Degree Thesis, 1990 . p. 98.
14 The Quran. Hicr, 45-48.
15 The Quran. Saff, 13
16 ALPARSIAN, Humanity and Social Sciences , 7 (In respect with inscriptions (epitaphs ) and their reading , see , Abdurrahman ŞEREF "Topkai plaace Imperial "Istanbul, Fetih Cemiyeti publication, Istanbul, 1953 , p. 143, 146, 150, 303,310,315; SERİN,Calligraphy Art , History , p.33-34 )
17In respect with inscriptions and their respective readings, see, Muhittin SERİN, Inscriptions (epitaphs) of Istanbul Mosques from Mehmet II, the Conqueror and II nd Beyazid periods till our present time p.40-45, 46-48,73-77.
18M.Uğur DERMAN "Şeyh Hamdullah Being One of Our Calligraphy Genius"Hayat (Life Magazine), number 47, 1965 ,p.23; DERMAN, CAICH,p. 191; ALPARSLAN. Humanity and Social Sciences , p. 7; ALPARSLAN, The Ottoman Calligraphy Art History , p. 41.
19M. Uğur DERMAN, Turks in Islamic Art , Ankara, Yapi Kredi Bank Publications, 1974 , p. 54; ALPARSLAN, Famous Turkish Calligraphy , p.54;DERMAN , Our Writing Art During Süleman, The Magnificent , period , p. 273; SERİN, Our Calligraphy Art , p. 109-113.
20For more detailed information , regarding to life of Mustafa Râkim Efendi, see , Şânizâde Mehmed Ataullah, Şanizade History I-Ceride-i Havadis printing House, 1973,p. 213-214, Ahmed Lütfi- History of Lütfi (I) Istanbul Amir printing House 1292,p. 189-190. Mehmed Süreyya, The Ottoman registration (II). Istanbul 1308, p. 365 Ahmed Cevdet, History of Cevdet (XII), Istanbul, 1309,p. 141; A. Süheyl ÜNVER "The Calligrapher Mustafa Râkim Efendi, Istanbul, 50 Art poets Series –3 1953, p. 2; Haluk Y. ŞEHSUBAROĞLU, "Calligrapher Mustafa Râkim" Cumhuriyet Newspaper , 12-09.1955 and sebilülmin Volume IX , number 204 (1955) p.58-59; İbmülemin Mahmud Kemal İNAL, The last Calligraphers. Istanbul, The Ministry of National Education , 1970 p. 273-289; M. Uğur DERMAN, Calligraphy art in Islamic Culrure Heritage ( CAICH), Istanbul, IRCICA, 1992, `P. 204, Ali ALPARSLAN, The Ottoman Calligraphy Art History , p. 79 , 117-121; Muhittin SERİN, Calligraphy Art and Famous Calligraphers. Istanbul, Kubbealti publication, 1999 , p. 133-138; Süleyman BERK, Calligrapher Mustafa Râkm`s Esthetic To Celî Sülüs, Erzurum, Atatürk University Social Sciences Institution (Unpublished Doctorate Thesis), p. 9-58)
21In respect structure characteristics of Râkim Letters, see BERK, Calligrapher Mustafa Râkim´s Esthetic To Celî Sülüs, p. 79-82.
22Derman , CAICH, p. 34; M.Uğur DERMAN , Turkish Art from the Beginning Till present Tire, Ankara, Türkiye Iş Bankasi Cultural publications , 1993 ,p. 385.
23İsmayil Hakki BALTACIOĞLU, Calligraphy Art in Turks, Mersin , The Ministry of Culture, 1993, p. 45; DERMAN, Turkish Art from the Beginning Till Present Time , p. 385.
24BALTACIOĞLU, Calligraphy Art in Turks, p. 46, DERMAN , CAICH,p.35 Ali ALPARSLAN, Famous Turkish Calligraphers, Ankara, the Ministry of Culture , 1992, s . 90 ; ALPARSLAN, "Islamic Writing Art". Great Islam History from Birth till our present time. Volume XIV. Istanbul, Çağ publications 1993, p. 441-522 491-491; ALPARSLAN, The Ottoman Calligraphy Art History, p . 118
25DERMAN, CAICH, p. 35, ALPARSLAN, Islamic History, p. 491-492.
26İ. Hakki BALTACIOĞLU, Turkish plastics Arts. Ankara, The Ministry of Notional Education 1971, p. 117.
27Ahmed Süreyya, "Sanayi- i Nefise in Ottomans , Ezcümle Hutut- I bedia",Sirat-i Mustakim, number 174 (14Muharren 1329) p. 282; Ahmet Süreyya (Saltuk) son of the calligrapher , Hasan RIZA Efendi has expressed characteristics of spectacular, cursive writing style of RÂKIM in four articles in this article written by hem. These are briefly , plumpness of Letters , movement of Letters and mutual proportion of Letters and harmony of arrangement of Letters.
28 In respect with collective evaluation of determined works of Râkim , see, BERK, Calligrapher Mustafa Răkim´s Esthetic To Celî Sülüs.
29 BALTACIOĞLU, Calligraphy Art in Turks , p. 52-53.
Photograph ©HAT SAN'ATI Tarihçe, Malzeme ve Örnekler, Istanbul. http://ismek.ibb.gov.tr/portal/yayinlarimiz.asp
Biographies of Calligraphers,
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Es-Seyyid Abdullah Efendi d. 1731
Abdullah of Yedikule was the favourite pupil of the celebrated calligrapher Hafiz Osman Efendi, and we know from the register of calligraphers that he received his icazet in 1102 H. He achieved great beauty and perfection in his use of Thuluth and Naskhi and was awarded both praise and protection by Sultan Ahmed Ill. He produced twenty-four Qur’ans as well as a number of Enams, Evrads, Kit’as, Murak’kas and Hilye-i Serifs. He had a large number of pupils. Most of his works are preserved in the Nuruosmaniye Library. Abdullah Effendi was greatly loved and admired by his teacher. He used the name Seyyid to indicate that he was descended from the family of the Prophet. He bid farewell to this transitory world in 1144 H.
Biographies of Calligraphers
MUSTAFA IZZET: “Yesarizade” (d. 1849)
Mustafa Izzet was the son of the great master of calligraphy Esad Yesari. His date of birth is uncertain. He learned the art of calligraphy from his father, from whom he also received his icazet. He wrote a very beautiful Ta’Iiq script. Very fine inscriptions by Mustafa Izzet are to be seen on a large number of mosques, tombs, fountains and other public buildings in Istanbul. The great calligrapher All Haydar Bey was one of his pupils.He died in 1266 H. and was buried in the cemetery at Gelenbevi.
Calligraphy by Yeserizade in Galata Mevlevihane Museum/Istanbul.
Calligraphy by Yeserizade in Galata Mevlevihane Museum/Istanbul.

Biographies of Calligraphers
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